Workflow Automation Features – Capsule CRM
SmalbizCRM Staff – March 7th 2024
Have you ever considered how much time you spend on small administrative tasks every day or week? When you multiply the amount of time by the number of people on your team, it’s likely a larger sum than you think. According to a 2020 Insight Report from ADP, 53% of employees feel they could save up to two hours a day by automating these tasks, which would equate to approximately 20 hours a month. This is a significant amount of time that could be re-purposed for more important tasks such as sales or project completion.
At all times, Capsule CRM maintain that the best way to aid their customers is to develop features that really have an effect on their day and assist them in regaining some of the time they expend on laborious, mechanical tasks.
They have announced the launch of fresh features that will help you cut down on tedious tasks, enhance your workflow, minimize human mistakes, and foster collaboration. By using your successful sales strategy as well as your efficient project managing processes, you can create systematic steps to apply them. This will guarantee structure and stability. In other words, you can automate your business procedures, from the first inquiry to the completion of the sale and the delivery of the product or service.
Let’s take a closer look at how Capsule presents this concept.
Taking Action
There are numerous courses of action one may take. It is up to the individual to decide which path to take to achieve their desired goals.
Using Workflow Automation, it is possible to set up automated processes in connection with Opportunities and Projects. These processes can be triggered once an Opportunity Milestone or Project Stage/status has been altered (for example, when a deal is closed or lost). Moreover, it is also possible to program an action to be performed upon the completion of a Track. The types of actions that can be automated are:
- Compose and deliver an email
- Allocate a chance/task to a responsible individual
- Assign a chance/task to a squad
- Insert a Track
- Connect a Linked Project to an Opportunity
- Alter a Milestone or Modify an Opportunity Status to Win/Lose
- Modify the Stage of a Project or Alter the Status of a Project to Concluded
If you have a pipeline with a “New” Milestone for freshly created Opportunities, you can configure an action to assign it to an owner or a team and also add a Track. A Track is essentially a sequence of tasks. Once the Track is finished, you can establish a follow-up action, for instance, altering the milestone.
When it comes to the same process, you can automate what happens when an Opportunity is won. This way, you won’t have to manually create a related Project and assign it when the Opportunity is won. The Project will get its name from the Opportunity and you can choose who it’s assigned to and which Project Board or Stage it is added to. This way, you won’t have to do anything.
The process of creating emails that can be sent out without manual input is referred to as automated emails.
When a deal is established, a certain point is reached in the sales pipeline or the project management workflow, and personalized emails can be sent out automatically.
To utilize Workflow Automation, you must create your Email Template and include it. Please note that if you wish to connect your mailbox to Capsule and send emails, you must be a Gmail or Outlook user.
If a customer buys your service, you can set up an automation to make sure they receive an onboarding email. By doing so, a project connected to the initial phase of your project board will be added once the deal is closed. Additionally, a welcome email will be sent to your new customer.
Leveraging the power of Workflow Automation to send emails gives you the peace of mind that critical messages arrive on schedule, your enterprise’s customer interactions remain consistent, and your workload is simplified, permitting you to complete more tasks in a shorter amount of time.
What are the potential benefits of utilizing Workflow Automation?
Marina is employed in the new business department of a Research & Development firm and is in charge of closing sales. At present, she manually produces a linked Project and allocates it to the technical team each time a sale is completed. However, with the assistance of Workflow Automation, Projects for the technical team to handle the new client is automatically created as soon as a sale is finalized.
Jeff is employed in a manufacturing business, and before finalizing any agreement, he needs to send samples to his prospective clients. This is handled by a different team, for which automation has been created to create a connected project which the sampling crew then works on simultaneously.
The Bookkeepers and Account Managers collaborate on Projects, and Workflow Automations make sure that the right individual is assigned and all activities are finished at all intervals – guaranteeing a dependable result.
Capsule CRMs’s Teams and Enterprise customers can take advantage of the Workflow Automation feature, which can be configured by an account Administrator. For more information on how to get started, please refer to their support documentation.