18th Oct 2019 4:53 pm
Product Features:
- Billing Portal
- Campaign Management
- Contact Database
- Contingency Billing
- Multi-Currency
- Payment Processing
- Project Billing
- Recurring/Subscription Billing
- Tax Calculator
Product Information
Salesboom.com is a Cloud CRM Software Company. They offer the most user-friendly Customer Relationship Management CRM Software apps, without skimping on customizability or robustness. Since 2003, Salesboom has been helping leading companies increase Sales, strengthen Customer Relationships and increase top line growth. Salesboom’s online or OnDemand CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Personal Edition is a robust contact, account, and sales lead tracking and management system. You can use SalesBoom Personal to manage your friends, contacts, customers, prospects, vendors, even your staff. The Personal Edition is a completely free, online lifetime CRM solution. The priced version is $14 per month with a free trail available.