Product Features:
  • Specific for Vending Companies
  • Cost Tracking
  • Forecasting
  • Item Management
  • Reorder Management
  • Supplier Management
47A Cherni Vrah Blvd., Sofia, Bulgaria 1407
Product Information

VendSoft is a web-based vending management software targeted at small vending machine operators. Vendsoft aims to help the vending business owner who wants to be more efficient and reduce operating costs. There is no expensive up-front licensing as VendSoft uses a flexible pay-as-you-go model that will fit any budget. There’s nothing to download or install. VendSoft runs in the cloud and is accessible from any computer, anywhere, any time. Vendsoft users will be able to track inventory of products, assets and organize their route and map it for speed. The system can also help users decide what product will do best at each location.  Several pricing plans,starting at  $19 per month, are on offer along with  a free trial.
